Tuesday, October 31, 2006

A Glimpse Inside the Cocoon

Oh, joy! I got back to blogging in time for a John Kerry meltdown. Gosh, it’s just like the old days.

John Kerry said:

“You know, education, if you make the most of it, if you study hard and you do your homework, and you make an effort to be smart, uh, you, you can do well. If you don’t, you get stuck in Iraq.”
The Democrats, fighting close races to regain power in the House and Senate, really did not need John Kerry to say something this stupid at this time. There has been a firestorm of outrage on talk radio and on the internet. Kerry has fired up the Republican base and reminded independents that Democrats think little of the military. Karl Rove is chilling the champagne.

I find one thing interesting: John Kerry had no idea he was saying something controversial.

He thought he was just saying something everyone knew, that if you’re a dumb failure, you end up a grunt in the Army. After all, no one who was successful or smart would want to serve in the military, would he?

John Kerry did not stop to consider that some highly intelligent young people might volunteer to serve because they love America. Such a love of country is not common in the liberal cocoon where Kerry lives.


Anonymous said...

Kerry is a pretty disgusting person, and his comment is incredibly stupid for several reasons, not least of which is the timing, but due to his cluelessness and stubborn refusal to apologize, I really think he meant to just insult President Bush directly. As in President Bush is "stuck" in an Iraq "quagmire" because, as the insane left likes to think, George W. Bush is a drooling idiot [super-genius mastermind].

EdMcGon said...

What's even scarier is that liberals are in complete denial over the idiocy of the statement. I commented on it over on another blog, and the two resident liberals basically said it wasn't a stupid thing to say (that soldiers ARE stupid). Of course, they are still patriots who love their country.


Myrhaf said...

I served in the USAF, and I'm not stupid. I put off college because I wanted to get out of the nest and see the world. As Boortz noted, the percentage of high school grads is higher in the military than in the general population. The facts do not support Kerry's statement. I'm sure Gus Van Horn, who was in the Navy, agrees.

Anonymous said...

Education, if you make the most of it, study hard, do your homework, and make an effort to be smart, you can do well. If you don’t, you mess up the punch line to your joke and piss off most of the country.

Kerry's last sentence should have been, and I'm pretty sure he intended it to be, "If you don’t, you [us] get stuck in Iraq.”

It's pretty funny to see the Democrats defending [rightly, I believe] a flubbed extraneous statement when they constantly attack President Bush when he misspeaks.

Anonymous said...

[sigh] I meant to type:

Kerry's last sentence should have been, and I'm pretty sure he intended it to be, "If you don’t, you get [us] stuck in Iraq.”

Myrhaf said...

You believe that, John? I think Kerry is lying that it was supposed to be a joke about Bush. I think he said exactly what he meant to say.

EdMcGon said...

Truth be told, I would call this a Freudian slip. It wasn't what Kerry meant to say, but it does reflect Kerry's feelings about the people who serve in the military.

Anonymous said...

I watched the video clip last night, and I still think it's plausible that he just messed up the joke [he starts off with two anti-Bush administration jokes, then tries this one, he glances down at his notes just before rushing through this punchline, the seemingly honest belligerent bewilderment he seemed to have when first called out on this, as if he truly hadn't expected the response to another 'Bush is dumb' joke]. If he did just slip, it's quite beleivable that it was a Freudian one, though. And his reaction was so very politically tone-deaf, if he was smarter, he would have apologized for what he did say and explain that he misspoke, as Bush often does, but instead he was indignant that he did anything offensive. As your next post says, he just threw red meat to the Republicans at a bad time for his party. Smoooooooth...